2022-01-06 13:18:30 epa09669707 Ambulances outside the Royal London hospital in London, Britain, 06 January 2022.  Pressure is building on NHS hospitals across the UK as Omicron cases and deaths continue to rise. While many NHS trusts are reporting critical incidents due to the impact from Omicron, both in staff shortages and Covid cases, Britain continues to average close to two hundred thousand Covid-19 daily.  EPA/ANDY RAIN
2022-01-06 13:18:30 epa09669707 Ambulances outside the Royal London hospital in London, Britain, 06 January 2022. Pressure is building on NHS hospitals across the UK as Omicron cases and deaths continue to rise. While many NHS trusts are reporting critical incidents due to the impact from Omicron, both in staff shortages and Covid cases, Britain continues to average close to two hundred thousand Covid-19 daily. EPA/ANDY RAIN Pressure is Building on nhs Hospitals Across the uk as Omicron Cases and Deaths Continue to Rise. While Many nhs Trusts are Reporting Critical Incidents due to the Impact From Omicron, Both in Staff Shortages and Covid Cases, Britain Continues to Average Close to two Hundred Thousand Covid-19 Daily. Epa/andy Rain

Brits personeelsgebrek in zorg

7 januari 2022 om 10:33

LONDEN (ANP) Circa 200 militairen zijn in ziekenhuizen in Londen aan het werk gegaan om er het gebrek aan personeel te helpen verlichten. Onder de militairen die te hulp schieten zijn artsen van het leger. De coronamaatregelen die mensen verplichten zich te isoleren leiden ook bij de nationale gezondheidsdienst NHS tot personeelsgebrek en zetten de zorg onder grote druk. Omikron zorgt voor enorme aantallen besmettingen.