2021-12-18 11:50:27 epa09649506 Ukrainian reservists attend a military exercise at a training ground near Kiev, Ukraine, 18 December 2021 (issued 19 December 2021). According to a survey conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) in December 2021 and published on 17 December 2021, the 50,2 percent of Ukrainians said they would resist in case of a Russian military intervention into their city, town or village. Every third respondent to the poll, the 33,3 percent, said they were ready to engage in armed resistance while the 21.7 percent said they were ready to participate in civil resistance actions . The US and Ukraine have accused Russia of amassing tens of thousands of troops along the Ukrainian border in preparation for a possible attack. Tensions with Russia have pushed many Ukrainians to sign up to territorial defense units.  EPA/SERGEY DOLZHENKO
2021-12-18 11:50:27 epa09649506 Ukrainian reservists attend a military exercise at a training ground near Kiev, Ukraine, 18 December 2021 (issued 19 December 2021). According to a survey conducted by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) in December 2021 and published on 17 December 2021, the 50,2 percent of Ukrainians said they would resist in case of a Russian military intervention into their city, town or village. Every third respondent to the poll, the 33,3 percent, said they were ready to engage in armed resistance while the 21.7 percent said they were ready to participate in civil resistance actions . The US and Ukraine have accused Russia of amassing tens of thousands of troops along the Ukrainian border in preparation for a possible attack. Tensions with Russia have pushed many Ukrainians to sign up to territorial defense units. EPA/SERGEY DOLZHENKO Epa/sergey Dolzhenko

Oekraïense burgers trainen voor Russische invasie

28 december 2021 om 10:53

KIEV (ANP/AFP) In de bossen rond hoofdstad Kiev worden Oekraïense reservisten getraind voor een mogelijke Russische invasie. ,,Iedere persoon in dit land moet weten wat ze moeten doen als de vijand het land binnenvalt", zegt de 19-jarige student Daniil Larin, een van de ongeveer vijftig burgers die recent werden getraind.
De afgelopen weken hebben vele tientallen Oekraïners zich gemeld als reservist, voor het geval de Russen het land inderdaad binnenvallen. In totaal zijn er nu zo'n 100.000 reservisten.
Het Oekraïense leger telt 215.000 soldaten, die sinds 2014 in het oosten van het land vechten tegen het door Rusland gesteunde rebellenleger. Het conflict kostte al aan 13.000 mensen het leven.